Author: debbie

Stories of Transformed Lives

Because of your generosity, lives are being transformed. But we also know we need to stay informed. Enjoy hearing from some of our clients, volunteers, and more whose lives have been changed, as well as informational blogs about all things MPS, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more amazing updates and transformation stories.

Loving Moms Through Life

Have you ever heard this phrase before? You may have heard the phrase “love them to life” in the context of pregnancy, but what does that phrase actually mean? For Muskegon Pregnancy Services, it means loving each and every client who walks through our doors, calls us on the phone, or reaches out on social

Every Day Heroes: The Benefits of Pregnancy Resource Centers

Pregnancy is often described as a beautiful journey, yet it can also be filled with uncertainty, fear, and overwhelming decisions. For many women, especially those in challenging circumstances, navigating this path requires more than just medical care—it requires comprehensive support that addresses emotional, practical, and informational needs. This is where Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs), much