
Upcoming Events at Muskegon Pregnancy Services

Discover upcoming events in support of Muskegon Pregnancy Services. We offer fundraisers and events that bring awareness and support of our life-affirming mission of embracing every life and helping families thrive.

Your participation, sponsorship, and support of our events is so important to help to raise much-needed funds and are vital in reaching more women, men, students & families in our community for life!

JOIN US and be part of any of the following events!

Rock N' Rubies Valentine's Dinner Dance!

FEBRUARY 14, 2025

Celebrating 40 years of Muskegon Pregnancy Services!

Tickets are available NOW!

We are excited to invite you and your significant other to rock the night away with MPS this Valentine’s Day! Valentine’s Day can’t get much better than an evening of fun, dancing, and supporting LIFE!

This event is hosted by the Lotus Room Event Center.

Proceeds will go to support Muskegon Pregnancy Center. Tickets are $50 each.

There will be a cash bar, silent auction, a delicious dinner, and more. Check back later for more information!

This event is semi-formal. The event starts at 5:30pm. Happy Hour is 5:30-6:30pm!

Interested in donating to the silent auction or sponsoring the event for starting at $500? Contact 231-726-2677, or CLICK HERE to fill out the form!

“Baby Bottle Boomerang” (BBB) - Year Round

Your change can change lives!

Host a group fundraiser!


Baby Bottle Boomerang can be done any time of the year! Churches and youth groups can help raise funds and build awareness within your congregation. All supplies are provided by MPS. Each member or family will bring a baby bottle home to fill with spare coins (dollars, checks, or credit card). Typically, 3 weeks later the “filled” bottles are returned and collected back to the church. The church then connects with MPS to arrange bottles to either be picked up or delivered. MPS will tally all of the bottles and give the church a Celebration Certificate with the total amount of what, as a congregation, was raised!

Businesses can also request a large Business Baby Bottle that can be displayed for your clients/customers to make a donation. Business Baby Bottles will also be picked up within 3 weeks unless a business requests that the Business Baby Bottle remain for a longer time.

Schedule a BBB today! Contact Hailey Elders for more information at 231-726-2677 or